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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find some questions that might emerge as you consider the Unbound Training Method. If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to reach out and one of our team members will get back to you soon. 

It says the Unbound Method  is "Influenced by the ethos of Liberty and Natural Horsemanship" what does that mean? 

Our training methods have been inspired by all of these incredible schools of thought, perspectives, and methods. We pull influence from the mentors, teachers, and greats that have come before us.  

Working with horses "at Liberty" simply means working with horses without the use of any ropes. Without ropes there is nothing to hold, pull, or otherwise force the horse to do something they don’t want to do. Most liberty training uses concepts of natural pressure and release through body language, as well as positive reinforcement.

We often use Liberty because it is the physical concept of giving the horse the choice. There is no way to force a horse to obey if they don’t want to. Giving the horse the freedom to choose results in a far deeper level of relationship, trust, and connection.    Read more about our Methods and Philosophies

Does that mean you'll never use ropes or tools with my horse? 

If you have the option of liberty, why would you ever use ropes?


We work with each individual horse where they need to be. Ropes don’t have to be used in force or domination. Just like good horsemanship, the best use of ropes is gentle guidance and support while still giving the horse the freedom of expression and right to choose by reading their body language, and never forcing them to do anything. If you can imagine being in a room full of people who spoke a completely foreign language and they were trying to get you to do something very specific, someone gently taking your arm and walking you through the desired activity would actually probably be a big help and give you a lot less anxiety. Many horses prefer the gentle guidance and support ropes can offer in the beginning in this exact same way. We are seeking to build true confidence, connection, and freedom for the horse, whatever that path looks like for each individual and we try not to create hard and fast "rules" around how to get there.  Our only  "rule" is giving the horse the ability to communicate their needs along the way. 

Why do you focus mostly on Arabians? I have a horse that would be a good fit for your program but they aren't an Arabian?

We love Arabians and Camille has a special place in her heart for them since she grew up with them from an early age. 


The Arabian breed is intelligent, courageous, versatile, athletic, strong, personable, curious, and loving.  They are very sensitive but can also be calm and steady if handled correctly.


They excel in the show ring, on trail, working cattle, and as loving all-around family members.

Although we prioritize and specialize in Arabians, we will work with other horses, if they are the right fit! Please still reach out, if you have any horse that you think would benefit from the Unbound Method. 

Why are you "Not a 30-day-trainer"? Why does my horse need to be in the program for a minimum of 3 months? 

Our methods and philosophies are slow and intentional so that they may have long-lasting impacts. The Unbound Method is designed to really get to know the nuances of your particular horse so that we can offer them a curated curriculum that supports their highest potential.  Building a strong relationship and learning the particulars of anyone takes time and patience. 


We recommend three month blocks because that seems to be the perfect amount of time to establish the next level of training. As the horse finishes each step in the training bracket they will need some time to rest and process before continuing. We find the three month block is the perfect amount of time to solidly establish the next step with each horse and then let them have a break to rest and process.


The longer your horse stays in our program the more we can practice the art of building trust and connection. When this foundation is strong, anything is possible.


Have additional questions?  Reach out! 

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