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Pleased to Meet Ya: Who is Driftwood Horse Rescue?

Updated: Apr 6, 2023


Hello out there! Whether you are a direct friend of ours or found us organically, we are so happy you are here. We thought it was about time we introduce ourselves and share with you the story behind our sweet sanctuary.

Welcome to Driftwood Horse Rescue and Sanctuary, a place inspired by our greatest teachers, the horses.


Hi, I'm Camille, the founder of DHR as well as the lead trainer at Unbound Horsemanship you can read more about my personal story here. While I have always had a heart and desire to support the world’s most vulnerable horses, I didn’t quite realize I'd soon be sharing my home with 35 rescue foals, colts, brood mares, and stallions. I am extremely passionate about shining a light on the atrocities of the slaughter for profit industry and giving as many horses as we can a second chance and a better life. I imagine each of you are here with us because you share some of the same sentiment.

What started simply as a whisper of a calling to draw attention and uplift the most neglected and abused horses, has turned into so much more.

We are creating a movement towards a world where horses and humans work in collaborative partnership in order for us all to live with more peace, harmony, and trust.


The whole unfolding of our little ranch has been nothing less than divine and a true testament to what can transform when the perfect team and circumstances fall into place. The vision I held so dear was catalyzed by the incredible support of my friends and family and by the alchemy of the right people stepping in at the right moment.

I am continuously amazed every day at how God arranged for me to meet Timea, our now Executive Director. She was brought to our herd at the perfect moment to push us towards the creation of something huge.

After a lifetime of assisting and apprenticing under other trainers, when I had finally set out to start my own horse training business, I couldn’t actually imagine having employees or even an assistant trainer. Mostly I felt this way because I had found it hard to meet anybody else who shared similar philosophies and ideologies about training horses as I did. Little did I know, one was about to move in next door to me!

When Timea and I met, we immediately connected about all things equine and in a very particular way. Not only did we share many unique training philosophies, we shared a similar perspective of the horse world’s most vulnerable: rescue mustangs and rescue Arabians. We both understand them, we see them as incredibly sensitive, smart, expressive, and curious. Because of their high sensitivity and high intelligence, if they aren’t supported in the right ways, their expression can be overall misunderstood. The heart Timea and I both have for helping care for these specific breeds, helped direct the future of DHR and ultimately our herd.

While had planted seeds for helping horses in need, Timea rode in with complementary skills to help us take our vision to a larger scale. Timea brings so many things from equine nutrition and holistic body work to nonprofit development. She also works with humans in equine assisted therapy, which is something we hope to incorporate into our program offerings one day.


We have big visions for Driftwood Horse Rescue and Sanctuary. We hope to continue to grow into a place where people know to contact us with horses who are in trouble. A place that has the resources and sponsorship capacity to be able to take in the horses with the most need. While we do intend to adopt many of our special rescues out to the perfect families, we also dream of a day when we serve as a permanent sanctuary to resident older or injured horses that are sponsored and loved on by a growing community. We want to be well known for having quality horses and a place people could adopt a perfectly matched horse for them. Lastly, we are working towards a thriving training program, a lesson program, and an equine therapy program, all rooted in trust building and connection.

For now, we are learning more every day about who we are and how we can support the most amount of horses possible. We just incorporated as a 501c(3) non profit organization and are waiting for our official documents to arrive. We have over 30 animals in our care and they are transforming before our eyes. We are seeing personalities and trust emerging from horses that were once abused, neglected, hungry, disregarded, and fighting for their lives. We are nurturing and nourishing a herd that was too close to another fate and we are all finding our way together.

If you are here with us, it means that you care and we want you to know we care about you too. We want to welcome you to our herd. Please reach out, introduce yourself and share your story. We couldn't possibly do this alone.

Join us on a journey towards a world where horses are treated humanely and honored properly.

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